Job Training

Job Training

Our job training and support program is a comprehensive initiative that aims to help individuals with autism achieve their goals. The program provides a variety of services, including job readiness training, workshops to build skills, job placement assistance, and ongoing support. Our primary goal is to address the challenges that individuals with autism may face in the workplace and equip them with the tools and resources they need to succeed. In addition, the program seeks to establish partnerships with employers and advocate for the inclusion of autistic adults in the workforce. By participating in the program, individuals with autism can gain valuable work experience, enhance their skills, and become more independent and self-sufficient.

Our Job Training program runs 4 times a week. We believe that successful employment comes from a combination of skills, interest and enjoyment in your job. Our 4 Phase Job Training Program is an individualized program made for each Stellify member. All roads are not the same, but our goal is for all to get there…. Successful Employment.

Our Phase I targets completion of unpreferred task while working on self-regulation, skills testing, and following direction. Phase I is located at different locations and has a 1:1 support. 

Our Phase II is a rotating on-site work program, where members can try out different jobs. The most successful job placements are those where our members have found joy in their jobs. 

Our Phase III advances to employment on site in preferred setting. Smaller groups of members are on site at preferred jobs. Phase III prepares member for Successful Employment.

Our Phase IV is Successful Employment.

Other Job Training Skills we believe is important to focus on include:

  • Communication Skills
  • Task and Time Management
  • Job-Specific Skills
  • Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
  • Professional Etiquette and Workplace Behavior
  • Self-Advocacy and Disclosure